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Showing posts from November, 2021

Why Adding That Home Addition Might Be the Best Thing You Have Done for Your Home

  Sometimes, no matter how much you clear out and attempt to live without the clutter, you always seem to run out of space. Sound familiar? Or maybe you have a growing family or elderly parents that need to be closer, yet you worry about the lack of space in your home. Worry no more. With home additions in Sydney , you can create all the space you need, keep your family together and give everyone enough room to live harmoniously. Adding a granny annexe The house addition of a granny annexe in Sydney is increasingly popular. For ageing parents who need the comfort of knowing their loved ones are nearby and available to help, if necessary, can make all the difference. However, a granny annexe does not just have to be for ageing relatives. A granny annexe can be used for multiple purposes. You could make one into a teenage den and give your older kids a place they can call their own. No longer will you have to worry about noise created, and it gives them their own space and a